
                                       "I have nothing to fear; and here my story ends. My troubles are all over, and I am at home."  Anna Sewell

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It's easy enough to get a dog. The hard part is following through with proper care. Here are some basic suggestions for responsible dog ownership:

People who own dogs have to take responsibility for keeping both their dogs and neighbors -- and neighbors' pets -- safe from one another. A dog that gets loose once can be blamed on a mistake -- a gate left open, a fence that had a weak spot. A dog that is loose regularly has an owner that either does not care or does not understand what's at stake.

Understand that dogs are dogs. Dogs chase cats, chickens and other small animals, and sometimes they kill them. They have what's called a prey drive, an instinct crucial to their survival as a species. Dogs can also be protective of their territory and attack intruders. If they are running loose, their territory can be a whole neighborhood. Obviously the bigger and stronger a dog, the more damage it can do because of its instinct to chase or to protect its territory.


A dog on a leash can be controlled. A dog running free cannot.


Good fences make good neighbors when it comes to dogs. Check for weaknesses in fences. When no one is home, dogs should be kept in secure areas. If your dog digs, consider building a strong kennel and putting in a hard floor or chicken wire under the dirt floor.


Spend time with your dog. Dogs that are socialized to people and new situations are less likely to cause problems, even if they should get loose.


Invest in the proper veterinary care for your dog.


Spay or Neuter your dog to prevent unwanted litter of puppies.


License and Register your dog and obey the dog/leash laws in your community.


Respect the fact that not everyone likes dogs - your dog may be friendly but your neighbor doesn't know and may not care to know.

These aren't complicated provisions, but only the pet's owner can execute them. Please take responsibility for your dog.


 © 1991 Barbara Bouyet

IT IS THE BEST BIRTH CONTROL DEVICE, preventing unplanned pregnancies and unwanted puppies.
IT IS THE BEST WAY TO KEEP YOUR DOG SAFE, restraining it from darting into traffic, preventing injuries, suffering, death and huge veterinary bills.
IT IS THE BEST GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY, keeping your dog from trespassing, attacking other animals, becoming a neighborhood nuisance or violating community leash laws.   It also stops your pet from inflicting injuries on children and adults. It prevents your insurance company from dropping your homeowner’s policy because of your dog.
IT IS THE BEST IDENTIFICATION SERVICE, with a current dog license and name tag attached to the collar, it will help reunite you both, should your dog get lost.
IT IS THE BEST WILDLIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, keeping your dog from harassing our wildlife, destroying irreplaceable native plants, or killing expensive livestock by itself or as part of a wild dog pack.
IT IS THE BEST WAY TO DEVELOP AN AFFECTIONATE PET, as the cord connecting you together encourages a unique bonding between you and your dog.
IT IS ALSO THE BEST CRIME PREVENTION DEVICE, because when this leash is not in use, your dog will be at home protecting your family and property.
IT IS AN IMPORTANT DEMONSTRATION TO THE PUBLIC, confirming that dog owners can be responsible, considerate people with an equal concern for the community and its residents.


    THE CRATE...

      © 1991 Barbara Bouyet


It's one of the best investments you can make.


For thousands of years dogs have responded to their instinct to den by creating one under a table, in a corner or a closet. 


To you it's a crate, to your dog, it's a den,  a home with a view. It provides a secure area with walls all around--a forest without bugs.


It's a housebreaking tool because dogs and wolves do not soil their den. You can take your puppy from its home to its bathroom to teach housebreaking.


It's great for puppy socialization, allowing your puppy to be in the middle of everything without being in the middle.


It teaches a puppy about time out and gives you a chance to take time for yourself.


It prevents destructive chewing when you can't be in the same place as your puppy.


It's a place where a dog can dream about food or rest quietly knowing it's shielded from cats, kids and other dogs.


It's a sanctuary for your dog, a way to escape small children when it needs some space; an opportunity to teach kids about "space" and how everything needs a little.


It's a familiar, homey place for your dog because  it's scented by its own body with a soft rug and favorite old chew toy.


To an old dog its crate is like a pair of slippers, friendly, relaxing, well worn and well known.


Keep your dog safe... invest in a crate!

Some additional links about the use of dog crates and training...

Crate Training Your Puppy or Adult Dog

ADTN - How to Successfully Crate Train Your Puppy or Dog


1.  My life is likely to last 10-15 years.  Any separation from you will be
painful for me.  Remember that before you get me.

2.  Give me time to understand what you want from me.

3.  Place your trust in me.  It is crucial for my well being.

4.  Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment.  You
have your work, entertainment, and friends.  I only have you.

5.  Talk to me sometimes.  Even if I don't understand your words, I
understand your voice.

6.  Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget.

7.  Please don't hit me. I can't hit back, but I can bite and scratch and I
really don't want to do that.  You always win that fight.

8.  Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate or lazy, ask
yourself if something might be bothering me.  I don't speak your language.  Perhaps
I'm not getting the right foods, or I've been out in the sun too long, or my
heart is getting old and weak.

9.  Take care of me when I get old.  You will grow old too one day.  You'll
hope someone cares.

10.  Go with me on difficult journeys.  Never say, "I can't bear to watch" or
"let it happen in my absence".  Everything is easier for me if you are there.
 Remember, I love you.


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