Dogs In Need

                                       "I have nothing to fear; and here my story ends. My troubles are all over, and I am at home."  Anna Sewell

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"A dog is the only thing on this earth that loves YOU more than he loves himself" - Anonymous

The Last Resort receives an overwhelming amount of requests to help pit bulls in need all over the country. While we would love to be able to save them all, funding and housing prevent us from doing so. We have eliminated the listing service from our website due to the overwhelming amount of requests for help, and limited time to keep up. We would encourage you to utilize Pit Bull Rescue Central for your rescue listing needs.  You can submit your information by clicking on this link Pit Bull Rescue Central. PBRC provides helpful information on how to place a pit bull responsibly and they offer an adoption pre-screening process. There is a tremendous amount of information on the site that is sure to help you. Please be responsible, screen potential adopters and have your pit bull spayed or neutered prior to placement. The following information is contained on the PBRC website.


Do you really have to?
Do you really have to give up your Pit Bull? There's a big difference between being forced to give up your dog and wanting to "get rid of him". Search your heart for the real reason why your dog can't live with you anymore. Be honest with yourself. Your answer will probably fall into one of two categories: People Problems or Dog Problems.

The Most Common People Problem:

"We're moving - we can't find a landlord who'll let us keep our dog."... Many landlords don't allow children either but you'd never give up one of your kids if you couldn't find the right apartment. Affordable rental homes that allow pets are out there if you work to find them. Most people give up too easily.

Not Enough Time for the Dog...
"We don't have enough time for the dog" a puppy, your dog took far more of your time than he does now. A Pit Bull doesn't really take that much time - his requirements for grooming for example, are less than of many other breeds. Are you really that busy? Can other members of your family help care for the dog? Will getting rid of your Pit Bull really make your life less stressful? When they look closely at their lives, people often discover that the dog isn't cramping their style as much as they think. “Doggy Daycare” is available in many places. A local student could also be hired at a nominal fee to walk with your dog in the afternoon, making the time you spend with your dog more enjoyable.

Having a Baby...
If introduced correctly, there shouldn't be any problems with your dog and the baby. Chances are that if you greet the dog in your usual manner when you return from the hospital, he/she will be okay. But, remember that the dog was here first and may react just like a first child would. Give him/her the same amount of love and affection that you did before the baby was born and you will be fine. Yes, there are precautions you'll need to take when having a baby, but getting rid of the dog isn't one of them. In fact, it is unfair to deny a child from growing up with a dog. There is no better way to teach a child how to be loving and compassionate.

There are things you can do and some wonderful products out there on the market which can aid in keeping you and your pet happy, healthy, and allergy free. Ask your local vet to show you what they keep in stock. There are Shampoos that reduce dander and clean the coat: Allerpet shampoo is very popular, dog and cat versions. There are sprays you can buy to spray on a towellette and wipe the dog, and wipes to use.

The Most Common Dog Problem:

Behavior problems...
If you got your dog as a puppy and he now has a behavior problem you can't live with, you must accept the fact that you are at least partly responsible for the way your dog is now.

You have 4 options:

1. You can continue to live with your dog the way he is.

2. You can get help to correct the problem.

3. You can try to give your problem to someone else.

4. You can have the dog euthanized.

Obviously the first option is out or you wouldn't be reading this page. You're probably most interested in Option 3 so let's talk frankly about that for a moment.

If you were looking for a dog and could select from all kinds of dogs and puppies, would you deliberately choose one with a behavior problem? No, certainly not - and neither would anyone else. To make your dog desirable to other people, you're going to have to take some action to fix his problems.

Most behavior problems aren't that hard to solve. We can help you with them if you'll give it a try. PBRC can assist you via email in helping your dog become a good canine citizen and an “easier to live with” family member. Don't hesitate to write us a note, and one of our volunteer will be happy to give you some tips and leads in order to help you resolve the problems you may have with your dog.

Think hard about Option 2 before deciding it won't work for you - because the only option you have left is number 4: Having the dog euthanized. That's the bottom line. If you, who know and love the dog best, won't give him another chance, why should anyone else? Think about that.


If your dog is aggressive with people or has ever bitten anyone, you can't, in good conscience, give him to anyone else. Could you live with yourself if that dog hurt another person, especially a child? Can you deal with the lawsuit that could result from it? You stand to lose your home and everything else you own. Lawsuits from dog bites are settling for millions of dollars in damages.

Our society today has zero tolerance for a dog with a bite history, no matter how minor. A dog that has bitten - whether or not it was his fault - is considered by law to be a dangerous dog. In some states, it's illegal to sell or give away a biting dog. No insurance company will cover a family with a biting dog. And to be perfectly honest, no responsible person in his right mind would want to adopt a biting dog.

No matter how much you love your dog, if he has ever bitten anyone, you only have two responsible choices - take him to a professional trainer or behaviorist for evaluation and maybe the dog can be rehabilitated. This could be costly and time consuming but could be very rewarding. If this is not an option for you, take him to your veterinarian and have him humanely euthanized. Don't leave him at a shelter where he might be frightened and confused and put other people at risk. Don't try to place him as a "guard dog" where he might be neglected, abused or used for dog fighting.

As hard as it is to face, putting a potentially dangerous biting dog to sleep is often the only safe and responsible thing to do.

PBRC - Finding A Home For Your Pit Bull

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